Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Monday, 14 September 2015

Gallery: IG88

Gallery: IG88

Today's update is IG88 from the Imperial Assault range by Fantasy Flight Games. First seen on the silver screen in Episode V The Empire Strikes Back standing between Dengar and Bob Fett. He is one of the hired Bounty Hunters tasked by Vadar to hunt down Han Solo and the Millenium Falcon.

I am following the tutorial by Sorastro who has done a great series of painting guides for Imperial Assault. You can check out his videos on You Tube by clicking on his name.

He has used the box cover art as a guide for painting IG88

Below is my finished version

So the new camera a light box arrived at the weekend.

The above is on manual settings with lights from either side

Below is on auto with lights from either side.

I can certainly see improvements in the pictures from the mobile phone. But I think I have some work to do and learn how to set up correctly and what settings to use.

If you have any links on how to take miniature pictures it would be great if you could post them in the comments.

Up next will be a Rebel Hero 

Catch you on the flip side.


  1. There's a couple of tutorials over at Tale of Painters. Here's one: http://taleofpainters.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/tutorial-beginners-guide-to-miniature.html

  2. Awesome thanks for the link I will have a play over the weekend
