Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Sunday, 5 March 2017

WIP The Duchess part 2

WIP The Duchess part 2

More Progress on the Duchess this week, She is finally buttoned up, just got the cockpit area to finish off and the doors, I am looking at if I am going to have anything underslung on the wings or to go with door mounted gunners.

More angles shots after the break.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

WIP: The Duchess

WIP: The Duchess

Strong progress on the Duchess this week, just have the wings, canopy and tidying up the cut join to work on.

Next up will be the crew

stay tuned

Monday, 6 February 2017

WIP: Arch Magos Stage 2


So it has taken a while but I have removed all the marking from the top of the ring. Started to add the mech markings. 2 down and 64 to go. Will hopefully get this bit finished in the next couple of days.

Catch you on the flip side

Sunday, 22 January 2017

WIP: Archmagos Prime in Abeyant

WIP: Archmagos Prime in Abeyant

Got some more Hobby time in the man cave last night

So started work on my Abeyant.

This is Forge Worlds version

Check after the break my options for my Abeyant

Saturday, 21 January 2017



So this is my latest purchase for my mech force.

No it is not a mis posted photo.

I am going to be using this for my Adeptus Prime and his Abyrent

This is def my most daunting project to date going to push my scratch building and greenstuff skills

Stay tuned for more progress steps

catch you on the flip side

Sunday, 15 January 2017



My Mech are going to take a back seat until I have completed my Skaven team. Our gaming group has a cup competition on the 4th of Feb at Warhammer World and I foolishly wrote in the rules pack if you team in not painted you lose a fan factor. So I best lead the way and make sure my team is painted, More after the break

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Ursarax Gallery

Ursarax Gallery

So this week I have completed my second unit.

This is my semi versatile close combat unit. I have armed them with 2 Lightning Claws to deal with Infantry and one with Power Claws to deal with larger vehicles.

Next up is one of my HQ choices should be done for next week

Catch you on the flip side

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Thallax Gallery

Thallax Gallery

So completed my first unit of the new year.

Unit of 3 Thallax for my Mech Army


Used the new Thousand Sons blues from GW

What you think?

Catch you on the flip side