Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

WIP: Orruk Gore-Gruntas

WIP: Orruk Gore-Gruntas

Today I have gone back to a bit of AoS.

Assembled my first Gore-Gruntas, this is going to be for the Golden Daemon competition at the AoS open day on the 13th of August so best get my skates on.

A little bit of the old liquid green was needed to fill the gaps around the face and rear of the Orruk.

Any one else painting or collecting Ironjawz?


  1. Looks a beast of a kit always what I imagined the boar boys to look like

  2. Have to agree, I know that some people do not like the large hanging beards, but I love them.

    Not bought the book yet, but have just picked up the Big Boss model. I think I may well use the metal Gore helmet as a build shield not sure yet.
