Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Friday, 20 March 2015

Void Sirens

Dreadball Void Sirens

Just after Crimbo Mantic Games  had a nice sale where a bunch of us took the plunge and bought into Dreadball. Having a look through the teams I was drawn to the Void Sirens, something about their tight fitting white and pink suits and their buxom charms had me hooked. So now into March we finally round to playing so to assemble the team.

What do you get in the starter box. To be honest I had no idea as the box gives nothing away apart from that it contains eight premium plastic corporation players and that to find out more visit the website.

To be honest this did irk me as it did take a little while to work out which season they are form and then to find the contents. Not being a seasoned Dreadball player I can be forgiven not knowing this straight away.

  • Female Corporation Team
  • 4 Plastic Female Jacks
  • 3 Plastic Female Strikers
  • 1 Plastic Female Guard
  • 10 Clear Plastic Hex Bases
  • 1 Mantic Point
  • 1 White Mantic Carry Case with Foam
So checking through the box I have 8 figures still no nearer to knowing a Jack from a Striker to a Guard 8 bases but then I guess having only 8 figures 10 is not needed. Mantic point check, carry case (not what I would use to transport figures) check.

I know that some people are big fans of the Mantic Games figures and style, but I am sitting on the fence, having assembled and painted a lot of plastic in my time they kinda sit in the middle some of the detail is quite crisp, but I do feel that they are still learning on placement of the figure in the mold and mold lines on the models. Also I am not a big fan of the shaped peg system to assemble figures as I have found in the past that if there is an area that will cast poorly it is this and will lead to frustration in assembly.

So with about 2 hours of cleaning and cutting off the pegs and pinning I finally got the team together. 

Not the best picture in the world but was late when taken. Having learnt that by calling it by stages I am loath to complete. So next step for me is to get them undercoated and decide on a colour scheme.

See you on the flip side

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Star Wars Armada

Star Wars Armada is the latest game in the Star Wars license from Fantasy Flight Games. So far we have seen them tackle dog fights in X-Wing, Tabletop skirmish and campaign games in Imperial Assault. Now it is time for the capital ships to take to space and add more destruction to the space lanes.

So what ya gonna get for your creds?

The first release due in a couple of weeks is the starter set which I will be doing an unboxing of as soon as it arrives. The starter set gives you the start of your Imperial and Rebel fleets along with rules and the cards to make your fleet unique.

Following on from the core set will be Wave 1 for the Admirals to increase the size of their fleets and try new tactics to beat their enemy.

This wave is expected to be in the UK in around 4-6 weeks after the Core set release. This will be just in time for the Spring events being run in your LGS around the country.

I am super excited about this release as in as much as I love X-Wing and the ships and the game play I have been feeling for a while that I seem to spend a lot longer looking at cards and combinations to try and counter the latest release. 

With the advent of a large scale ship game I am feeling that it will be less about the cards and more about the tactics of ship and fleet positioning.

See you on the flip side