Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Saturday, 26 November 2016

New Layout

New Layout

No new post really just updated the layout and working on a new header title

Keep turned for some upcoming posts on Bloodbowl next week.

Catch you on the flip side

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

WIP Angron

WIP Angron

Just something that I have on the back burner I picked this up on Ebay for a bargin price and as this is my first Primarch from FW I am taking my time and doing lots of research on the bronze armour, hopefully will get some more work done over the next few weeks.

What's on your table?

Catch you on the flip side

Saturday, 19 November 2016


This song resonates with me so much right now.

Over the last 2 years I have lost my father and grandmother to the big C and this song calms my soul.

What song calms your soul?

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Gallery: Jay helped make this

Gallery: Jay helped make this

Congrats to Jay and Michelle, last week baby Finley was brought into the world.

Looks he taking after his dad already with the hair.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Musings: Is this to big for a Drop Pod?

Musings: Is this to big for a Drop Pod?
So my smoker arrived today. What a beauty

But the Hobbyist in me looked and thought mmmh Drop Pod.

What ya think?

Catch you on the flip side

Monday, 14 November 2016

Review: Burning of Prospero Painting Guide

Review: Burning of Prospero Painting Guide

 Jay popped round to work today with my latest hobby supplies a few pots of paints including some of the metal paints from Forge World more on those later this week once I have had a chance to try them out.  But today will take you through Games Workshop's latest painting guide.

For the full review check in after the break

Sunday, 13 November 2016

WIP:Thallax and Ursarax

WIP:Thallax and Ursarax

  A little progress on my first units this week.

More pictures after the break

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Musings: 30K Mechanicum List

Musings: 30K Mechanicum List

So bit of hectic week and this has not given me much time for any hobby, so in my break times at work I have finally put some structure to my army list.

Nothing is truly set in stone or should I say iron until I have played few games with them so I have kept the list basic to start with and then will look to add the more specialised weapons.

Check out the list after the break

Thursday, 3 November 2016

WIP: Mechanicum HQ & Troops

WIP: Mechanicum HQ & Troops

Today's progress, not entirely finished prior to spraying, just need to add the Mechadendrite combat array to the models but did not have a hair dryer with me at work, so that will be a job for tonight. I will need to find a way to store and carry these game to game as the arms and the claw on the tops connection point not being large enough for pinning.

The Magos is from the Forge World 40k range linked here Tech Marine he is going to be used as my stand in Magos Prime until I am happy with the conversion that I am working on.

Catch you on the flip side

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Review: Dr Strange

New style post for me today, my first movie review.

 There will be no major plot spoilers for those who have not seen the film.

Read the full review after the break

Tuesday, 1 November 2016



First post of November sees my progress on my Mechanicum fast attack choice. I picked up the Ursarax Cohort at the same time as the Talos for the Magus project. After a couple of days of soaking and drying they got assembled last night.

The models are crisp and clean with the option of Lightning claws or Power Fists for an additional 10 pts per model.

I am still not set on the colour scheme the white which was previous in my mind is not hitting the mark with me so going to try a couple more test colours and post the choices and see what you guys think.

Over lunch I was chatting with Jay about how I see these fitting into my army, but seeing that he is my regular opponent I did not want to let to much out of the bag. But suffice to say I think I see 2 squads of these one armed with power fists and the lighting claws. Clearly very different roles on the battlefield, but fun to use.

I am getting closer to my starting 2000 point list and will post once is complete.

What is on your table at the moment, be great to hear from you and what you are working on.

Catch you on the flip side

Saturday, 29 October 2016

Gallery: Word Bearers Praetor

Gallery: Word Bearers Praetor

Well he is finally done and complete.

I am leaving all the weathering till the end so the units have matching effect.

Next up more WIP on the Arch Magos

Catch you on the flip side

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

WIP:Arch Magos

WIP:Arch Magos

So this is my first post on the floor as it where.
I am up at whw for Wednesday gaming night. Was not to happy with my choices available to me for the arch magos and spent the week looking around at the ranges
I was drawn to the talos and I am now in the process for De dark eldaring and mechanicum the bejesus out of it.
I am happy with where I am so far but realised I am a long way from finished
Yes yes I know I promised praetor would be finished but what type of hobutterfly would I be with less than 5 projects on the go.
Catch you on the flip side

Sunday, 23 October 2016

WIP: Word Bearers Praetor Part 2

WIP: Word Bearers Praetor Part 2

So work continues on the Praetor, all the armour is now complete and the daemon infused flesh needs a bit more inking and highlighting.

Then it will be onto the words of Lorgar to adorn the armour plates. I am going to try some free hand symbols on the larger legs plates.

Aim to have this finished this week.

Catch you on the flip side

Saturday, 22 October 2016

30K:01101110 01100101 01110111 00100000 01100001 01110010 01101101 01111001

30K:01101110 01100101 01110111 00100000 01100001 01110010 01101101 01111001

So been thinking about my Loyalist army for a while now and having painted nearly 50 marines and assorted figures for my Word Bearers I wanted a bit of a change.

Having just finished Mechanicum novel in the Horus Heresy series, I have found myself drawn to the forges of Mars. I really like the idea of the robots striding across the battlefield unflinching from the enemy fire, before unleashing a barrage of fire.

I am currently working on the colour scheme, carefully choosing to avoid red, thoughts so far are an off white creamy colour for the armour plates, the metal will be a combination of steel and gold

Will  post some pics later this week

Catch you on the flip side

Saturday, 10 September 2016

WIP: Word Bearers Tactical Squad and Terminators

WIP: Word Bearers Tactical Squad and Terminators

New Tactical Squad for my Word Bearers

More after the break

Tuesday, 30 August 2016




Today's update is my new Praetor for my Word Bearers.

The base model is the new Forge World Event only 30k Terminator, I have used a gal vorbak arm as a replacement for the Combi weapon and the right arm's hammer has been replaced a daemon possessed sword from the Chaos range. I am away in Cornwall next week so I think I will take this along with me to paint in case there is any rain.

Catch you on the flip side

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Gallery: AvP Stalkers

Gallery: AvP Stalkers

Nice quick paint job this week.

Gaming standard Stalkers from the Prodos Games Aliens Vs Predator box set. I picked this up cheaply recently and decided that I want to get these painted up fairly quickly for the table top.

Very simple method

Undercoat Flames of War British Army desert spray

Dry bush very lightly with white

Ink with Reikland Flesh wash

Spot Ink wash with Agrax Earthshade

Light dry brush with Screaming Skull

Gloss varnish


Hay Presto done

What you think?

Catch you on the flip side

Friday, 19 August 2016




Today's post is some gallery shots of the completed Gore Grunta

Unfortunately it did not place and get a pin at the recent Age of Sigmar open day, but I am ok with that.

It was a good learning experience and I had fun painting the model. Some aspects I am very happy with but others are average at best. 

My fav part of the model is the Gore grunta face and the metal armour., but I think I need a lot more practice with greens and the blue armour.

I am going to step back to my 30k for a while and complete some almost finished units

Whats on your painting table?

Catch on the flip side

Sunday, 14 August 2016



Today I woke to the sad news of the passing of Kenny Baker, my thoughts and condolences go to his family.

Rest In Peace Kenny Baker

Wednesday, 10 August 2016



So the blue armour is now complete along with the straps

I have added a red spot light armour to the right vambrace and the hanging metal scraps. I am not sure on the highlight on the blue armour. So I might revisit this once the skin and straps are complete

Two more nights left painting so the clock is ticking.

Catch you on the flipside.

Monday, 8 August 2016

WIP:Gore Gruntas Part 4

WIP:Gore Gruntas Part 4

Tonight's progress see me finally completing the face of the Gore.

More pictures after the break

Thursday, 4 August 2016



Tonight's progress was getting the armour layered on and then placing 2 layers of Nuln Oil to darken before raising highlights. 

Highlighted the beards with Karak Stone and then darkened down again with Agrax Earthshade. The skin has been base coated with Bugman's Glow and then shaded again with Agrax Earthshade.

Next step is to start highlighting the skin and armour before working on the rider. It is going to be tight and I see some late night painting session to have it finished for the open day.

Catch you on the flip side

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Gallery: Gaming Night at Warhammer World

Gallery: Gaming Night at Warhammer World

Just a load of pictures today from tonight's game.

1300 point game getting back into the flow of 30K. Was nice just to get the models out, roll some dice

Gal Vorbak are a bit hard well a lot hard, definitely a good purchase now just need to get some paint on the undercoat.

More pictures after the break

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

WIP: Ironjaw Megaboss

WIP: Ironjaw Megaboss

In with the General's Handbook was also the new Ironjaw Mega Boss.

I carefully assembled him over this lunch time and then thought about adding the Gore Armoured Head as a make shift shield.

I am going to tack it on for now to see if I like it. or if having 2 large heads over clutters the model.

What do you guys think?

Monday, 1 August 2016

Review: Age of Sigmar General's Handbook

Review: Age of Sigmar General's Handbook

Surprise arrival pressie today was the new General's Handbook for Age of Sigmar. Lunchtime was a quick flick and read through and was very impressed with the layout and the artwork.

More of the review after the break.

Friday, 29 July 2016

Gallery: Soviet Infantry & BMP 2's

Gallery: Soviet Infantry & BMP 2's

So this week the flock and basing material arrived so I have pushed on finished the first unit of troops, the second unit are base coated and ready for the detail work next week.

More pictures after the break

Wednesday, 27 July 2016



Progress has start well, I have done majority of the skin and started work on the hair

More pics after the break

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

WIP: Orruk Gore-Gruntas

WIP: Orruk Gore-Gruntas

Today I have gone back to a bit of AoS.

Assembled my first Gore-Gruntas, this is going to be for the Golden Daemon competition at the AoS open day on the 13th of August so best get my skates on.

A little bit of the old liquid green was needed to fill the gaps around the face and rear of the Orruk.

Any one else painting or collecting Ironjawz?

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Gallery: Soviet Supply Trucks

Gallery: Soviet Supply Trucks

Just a quick dirty paint job on these two trucks, they are from the WWII range from Battlefront Miniatures. Not technically historically accurate but I kinda think they work as pretty sure the Soviets would keep kit around that still worked.

You will see in the background that the Infantry are almost done, I am not happy with bases and still waiting for some tufts to arrive.

Definitely finished this week and then to start on my next unit of Infantry and BMP's

Catch you on the flip side

Monday, 18 July 2016

Gallery: Soviets Hail and Observation Platoon

Gallery: Soviets Hail and Observation Platoon

Today got some more work completed on my Soviets. Group shot of the Hails and Observation Platoon. I like a dirty muddy look so heavy stippling with Battlefield Brown and the weathering with Dry Dust.

More pictures are the break

Monday, 11 July 2016

WIP: Team Yankee Soviet Infantry часть вторая

WIP: Team Yankee Soviet Infantry часть вторая (part two)

Today's update on the Infantry, I got the webbing highlighted and they have started to make the uniforms pop a little more. The helmets are done along with the faces. Tomorrow will finish the guns and hopefully get the sand on the bases.

I got a little distracted at the weekend with Battlefront's regular posting of the Leopard launch day. See linked below.

Leopard Launch Day

I am about half way through my thoughts on Leopard so might be a double post later this week.

Comments and feedback always welcome

Catch you on the flipside

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Team Yankee:- Soviet List

Team Yankee:- Soviet List

Morning, Afternoon, Evening, never quite sure when people read the blog.

Today I am sharing my starting army list and some thoughts on why I have selected them and how I see them being used on the table

More after the break

Friday, 8 July 2016

Team Yankee: Soviet Cards

Team Yankee: Soviet Cards

Did not get a chance to do any painting this lunch time far to busy with work to get the paints out. So today I have posted the 2 cards for the units that I am painting.
Now unit cards are not a new thing in wargaming but this is the first time that Battlefront Miniatures have used them with their rules set. Having played Flames for a fair few years you get to know your army and your special rules. Even then I still forget to role my Tiger dice every now and then.
In my first few games the cards have been a great use. On the front you have all the unit stats and weapons charts and then on the rear you have all the special rules. So no constant rulebook referencing.

I am close to having my list written up so that may well be tomorrow post.

Catch you on the flip side

Thursday, 7 July 2016

WIP: Team Yankee Soviet Infantry

WIP: Team Yankee Soviet Infantry

Today's progress was adding more highlights to the uniform and then starting work on the webbing and pouches. I have used the Soviet Green spray as the base coat and then paints from the Soviet Paint Set. I have not painted 15mm figures in a while so it is getting used to where the focus points are the for the models. In terms of a gaming perspective then you are really only going to see them from the helmet down. So I think I am going to have to do some extra work on the bases.

In the background you will see one of the Hail's I have been working on blending in the highlights and tomorrow it will be the road wheels and the launchers. I am hoping to have the infantry ready for basing tomorrow so that I can get them finished next week, ready for the next set of 4 bases and HQ.

Let me know if you have any tips for painting 15mm figures.

Catch you on the flip side

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

WIP: Team Yankee- Soviets

WIP: Team Yankee- Soviets

Bit of a change for todays post.

I have taken a break from my Word Bearers and started what has been a project long on the back burner.

Last year Battlefront Miniatures released Team Yankee, this was their first entry into the Cold War. First came the Americans and Soviet forces and just released this month sees the Germans.

I have started on a small 25 point list which I will post and describe in more detail later this week. This are being painted during my lunch breaks and on the box so far I have 1 unit of Infantry with the attached 4 BMP 2's. There are 2 additional BMP's for an Observer unit and 3 Hail's.

Will post Gallery pics once finished hopefully this weekend.

Catch you on the flip side

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Rest in Peace Ali

Rare that I would ever post something like this

For me simply one of the greatest fighters of our generation died today

Rest in peace Ali

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Unboxing: Warhammer Quest Silver Tower

Unboxing: Warhammer Quest Silver Tower

So this box set has been out a couple of weeks now and I missed the pre- order so had to wait till last weekend to pick up my copy. I played the original Warhammer Quest in the some dark distant past so this was always a gimme to pick up and remember those halcion days of my Dwarf swinging his axe to save the party yet again from another large monster.

After the break is more pictures from the un-boxing.