So as usual in the UK on a Bank Holiday Monday it is wet,dreary and cold. I was hoping to be able to get my UNSC sprayed up but with the weather against I decided to tackle a job that I have been putting off for a long time.
So piled up all my X-Wing boxes bags, dials and cards. Fortified with a Tunnock's Carmel and beer left over from the last BBQ I started the Herculian task.
About half way through I had my 3 factions sorted out into unique pilots and standard pilots. All sleeved and ready to go in the album.
Tunnock's consumed 2
Beers Drunk 2.5
By the end I have sorted out all the items I need for gaming into my mini case, this has everything I need for competition gaming. All my upgrade cards again sorted into Unique and Standard cards. I need to find a case for this that is suitably Star Wars.
Tunnock's consumed: 3
Pickled Onion Monster Munch: 1
Beers drunk: 7
I have found that I have lots of multiples of the Unique cards for both ships and upgrades. It is a shame that most of this cannot be swapped or sold due to the nature if you already own the ship you own the card (i.e Han Solo's Falcon) But there are a few that I will either be looking to swap in my gaming group or putting up on an Auction site.
Even though it was not my choice of hobby activity today. I do feel pleased that I have finally sorted out the forest of cards. This week with some good weather I will make a start on the UNSC and Thursday another couple of games of X-wing. If I remember my camera I will try and write up my first battle report.
As always and comments or feedback post below.
Catch on the flip side.
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